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Policy Briefs

The European Union in Search of Its Own Mythology


ORF2 “Fokus Europa”: Experte zur Neubesetzung der EU-Kommission

Krone TV “Nachgefragt”: Wichtige Wahl für EU – Harris gegen Trump


Krone TV “Nachgefragt”: Wichtige Wahl für EU – Harris gegen Trump
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Puls24 NEWS: EU-Parlament kommt erstmals seit Wahl zusammen
The European Union in Search of Its Own Mythology

Policy Briefs

The European Union in Search of Its Own Mythology
ORF2 “Fokus Europa”: Experte zur Neubesetzung der EU-Kommission


ORF2 “Fokus Europa”: Experte zur Neubesetzung der EU-Kommission
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Aktueller Policy Brief
The European Union in Search of Its Own Mythology
By: Olena Pokotilo
The attractiveness of the European Union is based on its economic and social model as well as on its manifold national cultural heritage. Throughout the post-Cold War period, the EU has not actively promoted pan-European myths and struggles today with creating a cohesive and credible common narrative. In this context, the author of this Policy Brief argues that to maintain its unity amidst global instability and evolving political landscapes, the EU must develop new, meaningful myths. She discusses the characteristics of the myth-design of the Union and offers policy recommendations.